Obtaining a Qfor quality certification guarantees all external and internal stakeholders that the Qfor-certified training or consulting company is committed to service quality.
Independent & objective
Qfor-certified organizations went through a positive quality audit by an independent third party. For the audit, the audit firm works according to the standardized Qfor methodology to assess the quality of internal processes or customer satisfaction.
When you work with a Qfor-certified company, you are assured that it pursues quality services and pays attention to the continuous improvement of services and internal operations.
The strengths of Qfor?
- Tailored to organizations active within training, consulting and compentency development
- Independent and objective evaluation
- Quality certification delivered on the basis of a proven audit methodology
- Quality certificate with wide recognition in the market
Qfor, a widely recognized quality certificate
The Qfor certificate is often used by training and consulting organizations as a marketing and communication tool. External recognition enables them to present the quality of their services in a positive light, and to stand out from the competition.
A number of regional, national and international authorities and professional and sector federations recognize the Qfor certificate as part of access to grants, participation in public tenders or official registration as an approved service provider.
- The Flemish government, the Walloon government, the Department of Work and Social Economy (WSE), VLAIO (Agency for Entrepreneurship and Innovation), the food industry federation ALIMENTO, Contractor Safety Management (formerly BeSaCC-VCA), the Flemish employers' organization Group MAATWERK, HERWIN the collective for social circular entrepreneurs, the French government and a number of other member organizations.
A reliable quality certification
Every Qfor-certified organization went through an external audit according to a set pattern.
An independent auditing firm such as CertUp conducts the quality audit according to the Qfor methodology. During the audit, customer satisfaction or the internal functioning of the organization is checked against the indicators or quality requirements of the applicable standard. This standard can be generic as well as domain- or sector-specific. There are therefore different types of Qfor-Scans.
Based on the auditor's findings, the Qfor Certification Committee determines whether the organization meets the expectations of the standard and has or has not passed the audit. In the case of a positive evaluation, the organization may call itself Qfor-certified for up to 3 years and use the Qfor logo in its communications.

The Qfor audit management toolkit
A Qfor quality audit is carried out using a number of instruments whose validity and effectiveness have been proven by practice.
With the Qfor software, an external auditor or an internal employee can check and assess the various indicators of a standard in an intuitive and qualitative manner. The web application Qfor software serves here as a central and supportive audit tool.

The Qfor quality model
The Qfor quality model is derived from a model established in the 1990s. As part of a European partnership, a large-scale research project identified key criteria used by end-users in choosing consulting and learning service providers.
Since then, the Qfor model has been updated on a regular basis based on current quality expectations, and quality audits based on the Qfor methodology have been conducted at numerous learning and consulting organizations in various countries.
What are the benefits of a Qfor-audit?
A Qfor audit enables an organization to transparently and objectively demonstrate the efforts it makes in terms of quality. The audit also helps to highlight potential areas for improvement in the context of continuous enhancement.
What are Qfor-certified organizations saying?
Interested in a Qfor audit?
Do you have questions about the various Qfor audit possibilities? Do you want to know more about the Qfor audit software? Would you like to schedule a Qfor audit?
Our staff is there to answer all your questions.
Which Qfor-audit?
There are different types of Qfor audits, specifically Qfor scans. Each of the Qfor scans has its own specific standard and indicators. The standard is either generic or specific to the sector or domain in which an organization operates.
Which Qfor audit is most appropriate depends on the objectives your organization wishes to achieve. The audit firm will be happy to provide you further information.