
Uw toegang tot de CertUp-tools

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Uw toegang tot de Qfor Soft en de DataScan: het platform voor de update van uw bedrijfsgegevens en de voorbereiding van uw audit. 


Vindt de dienstverlener die u past via Repquest! Met een login beschikt u over uitgebreidere zoekmogelijkheden en meer resultaten.


Uw toegang om uw bedrijfsgegevens up te daten in de Repquest databank.


Uw toegang tot de CertUp Academy.


Uw toegang tot TrainUp: het opvolgings- en evaluatieplatform voor opleidingen.


Uw toegang tot de online databank Formbase.

What are Qfor-certified organizations saying?

"It was the first time I'd experienced an audit at such close quarters. Although the audit day is very intensive and requires a lot of energy, it added value to our department."

The Dive – Unilin Training Center

"Positive, enriching and qualitative."


"A great experience, good focal points and an ideal way to optimize the operation of the training center in order to improve quality."

Vlaams Bijeninstituut

"Relevant analysis of our processes. It helps in developing ways to improve our system and operations."

Aforest Belgium

"The analysis of our activity and the analysis of our procedures and their application gave us a look at habits and areas for improvement."

ConsulTrans Solutions

"Very worthwhile. Legitimacy of the quality offered and a frame of reference for our growth."

Solinfis - Formation et accompagnement pour les infirmières

"This audit is very thorough. I really appreciated the didactic interest and the added value to our practice. The points for improvement were clear, and we immediately put these improvements in motion. That's what I call a profitable audit."

La Société Scientifique des Pharmaciens Francophones

"A great learning moment and at the same time an incentive to be ambitious as an organization and aim a little higher in a number of areas."

Arcor Maatwerkbedrijf

"The audit clearly shows where improvement is needed."



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+32 2 412 05 00 - info@repquest.com
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To preserve the independence of the certificationactivities, Qfor audits are carried out by the certification company CertUp.